Champions Summit
The Summit was Amazing!
for on-demand recordings of event sessions plus CJE and CLE credits.
Agenda updates shown below, with expanded times plus new dates for the Sept 1 speakers.
Summaries for highly acclaimed speakers follow agenda.
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2023 Champions Summit REVISED Agenda
Planned speaker times shown - subject to slight revisions.
September 1, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM NOTE: Kickoff Session POSTPONED to Sept 8.
September 1 speakers have graciously agreed to change dates. See agenda updates below.
- Challenges & Hope in the Time of Fentanyl and Meth -- Sam Quinones
- Addressing Addiction in Justice Settings: Recent Findings & Insights from NIDA’s Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN) -- Dr. Tisha Wiley, PhD
- Hopeful Healing: Managing Recovery and Surviving Addiction -- Mackenzie Phillips
September 8, 2023 from 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM
NOTE: Start time changed from Noon. Kickoff, news & special guests at 11:45 AM with featured speaker begin at Noon.
- Introductory remarks, announcements, remarks by Interim OSCA Administrator Eric Maclure
- Addiction Recovery: Building Resilience to Prevent Relapse and Enhance Stable Remission -- Dr. John F. Kelly, Ph.D., ABPP
September 15, 2023 from 11:30 AM to 5:00 PM
NOTE: Start time changed from 1:00 PM. First featured speaker moved from Sept 1.
- 11:30 AM – Introductory remarks, announcements, resource panelist introductions
- 11:35 AM -- Challenges & Hope in the Time of Fentanyl and Meth -- Sam Quinones
- 12:40 PM -- Expanding the Opioid Response Continuum: Key Considerations for Courts -- Jessica Hulsey
- 1:40 PM – Mini-Stretch Break
- 1:45 PM -- Partnerships & Resources for Treatment Courts & Stakeholder Success -- Presenters: 1:45 PM – Speaker Introductions & Available Resources ... 1:50 PM - Kathryn Cates-Wessel ... 2:15 PM - Michelle T. White ... 2:45 PM -- Dr. Darran Duchene
- 3:10 PM - Stretch Break
- 3:20 PM -- MOUD: The Role of Peer Support for Court Participants -- Tara Kunkel
- 4:05 PM -- Medications for Addiction Treatment: Legal & Ethical Considerations -- Aaron Arnold
- 4:55 PM – Closing & Added Resources
September 22, 2023 from 11:30 AM to 5:00 PM
NOTE: Start time changed from 1:00 PM. First featured speaker moved from Sept 1.
- 11:30 AM – Introductory remarks, resource panelists, remarks by the Honorable Judge Hope Bristol
- 11:40 AM -- Hopeful Healing: Managing Recovery and Surviving Addiction -- Mackenzie Phillips
- Short break
- 1:00 PM -- Harm Reduction -- Terrence Walton
- 2:10 PM – Mini-Stretch Break
- 2:15 PM -- Drug Testing, Best Practices & Interpretation of Results in MAT -- Paul Cary, MS
- 3:25 PM -- Addressing the Opioid and Methamphetamine Epidemics through Treatment Courts & MOUD -- Doug Marlowe, JD, PhD
- 4:45 PM -- Champions Feedback, Additional Resources & Closing Remarks
September 29, 2023 from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM
NOTE: End time changed from 2:00 PM. Last shown speaker moved from Sept 1.
Noon - Lived Experience Session
- Hear from an individual in addiction recovery and his experiences with Drug Court and MAT through treatment court involvement, along with his now professional experience in the field -- Emil Caron, Director of Recovery Support Services, Recovery Connection of Central Florida, and Certified Recovery Peer Specialist.
- Plus a real life and compelling personal story from a Florida judge whose family has been touched by addiction -- Honorable Judge Lauren Brodie
1:10 PM -- Leadership Spotlight/Roundtable
- Introduction by the Honorable Judge Steve Leifman
- Spotlight on a Florida standout initiative: the Opioid Court in Circuit 12 - Rachel Lane & Ashley Brown
- Plus discussion by designated Circuit Champions -- Honorable Judge Alicia Latimore, Honorable Elizabeth Rice, and Alina Stoothoff -- on Summit takeaways, lessons and future action
2:00 PM -- Justice Community Innovation
- Addressing Addiction in Justice Settings: Recent Findings & Insights from National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN) -- Dr. Tisha Wiley, PhD
Registration here:
Slides & other handouts are being posted here.
2023 Summit Faculty
A truly STELLAR lineup of national experts, state officials and others ...
SAM QUINONES – Renowned American journalist, former long-time LA Times reporter, and best-selling author of “Dreamland” and “The Least of Us: True Tales of America and Hope in the Time of Fentanyl and Meth”. Spent 10 years as a freelance writer in Mexico.
DR. TISHA WILEY, Ph.D. -- Associate Director for Justice Systems & Branch Chief, Services Research Branch – National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Leads NIDA’s Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN). Previously served as NIDA’s science officer on earlier justice initiatives, including Juvenile Justice Translational Interventions for Adolescents in the Legal System and Criminal Justice Drug Abuse Treatment Studies cooperative research programs.
DOUG MARLOWE, JD, PhD - Attorney & Clinical Psychologist. Senior Scientific Consultant to the National Association of Drug Court Professionals with many leadership and expert roles on topics of concern to Florida courts. Technical advisor and author of publications like “Treatment Court Practitioners Tool Kit” (on Use of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder) and national survey of state drug court and report on MOUD utilization and service barriers.
PAUL L. CARY, M.S. - A leading authority on drug testing and toxicology, for over thirty years, Mr. Cary has been actively involved in the management of a nationally recognized toxicology laboratory (SAMHSA certified) that performs drug testing for drug courts, hospitals, mental health facilities, attorneys, coroners and medical examiners, athletic programs, and public and private employers. He has authored numerous scientific publications on the subject, has been a resource to drug court teams throughout the nation and overseas, and serves as visiting faculty for the National Association of Drug Court Professionals, the National Drug Court Institute and other key institutions.
MACKENZIE PHILLIPS – American Actress and author of the courageous New York Times bestselling memoir High on Arrival, and her equally successful book, Hopeful Healing: Essays on Managing Recovery and Surviving Addiction. Currently enjoying her role as ‘Barb’ in Season 6 / Netflix, Orange Is The New Black and another Netflix show reuniting with Norman Lear for the revival of One Day At A Time. Phillips rose to fame with breakout parts in the 1973 movie American Graffiti and '70s sitcom One Day at a Time. She is now making a different impact as V.P. at Breathe Life Healing Center in Los Angeles where she specializes in trauma, drug, and alcohol treatment and recovery from mental health issues. The daughter of The Mamas and the Papas lead singer John Phillips, Mackenzie is a survivor of substance abuse, sexual abuse and now is a determined and outspoken advocate for addiction and mental health awareness and education.
TERRENCE WALTON - Chief Operating Officer for the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP), & among the nation’s leading experts in providing training and technical assistance to drug courts and other treatment courts. Prior to being named COO in 2015, he was NADCP’s chief of standards. Before joining NADCP, Mr. Walton was director of treatment for the Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia. He also previously served as the director of a District of Columbia’s leading adolescent outpatient substance use treatment center. He is an internationally certified alcohol and other drug abuse counselor with over 25 years of experience helping individuals and organizations champion positive change. A gifted and entertaining speaker, Mr. Walton travels extensively, informing and inspiring audiences across the globe.
JESSICA HULSEY – Founder & CEO of the national Addiction Policy Forum. Both of her parents struggled with heroin addiction, which led to homelessness, foster care and eventually her mother’s incarceration. Jessica began working in prevention at age 15 through an anti-drug coalition in southern California. Was later appointed by then US President to serve on the national Drug-Free Communities Commission. In 2015, she founded the Addiction Policy Forum to help families and patients struggling with the disease of addiction.
DR. JOHN KELLY, PhD, ABPP -- Professor of Psychiatry in Addiction Medicine at Harvard Medical School - the first endowed professor in addiction medicine at Harvard. Founder and Director of the Recovery Research Institute at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Associate Director of the Center for Addiction Medicine at MGH, and Program Director of the Addiction Recovery Management Service (ARMS). Former President of American Psychological Association's (APA) Society of Addiction Psychology, and is a Fellow of the APA and a Diplomate of the American Board of Professional Psychology.
KATHERYN CATES-WESSEL - Has 40 years of experience in the substance use disorder field in policy, coalition building, medical education and administration. Chief Executive Officer of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) and Principal Investigator and Project Director of several federally funded grants, including the “Opioid Response Network”. Former Associate Director of Brown University's Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies for over 19 years and Executive Director of Physicians and Lawyers for National Drug Policy. Prior Associate Director of a residential treatment center for adolescents with substance use disorders and co-occurring mental disorders.
MICHELLE T. WHITE -- Senior Policy Advisor, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), U.S. Department of Justice. Also serves as as well as a Senior Program Advisor for the State Justice Institute (SJI). At BJA, she supports the statewide grantees of the Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP) along with work in the areas of prosecutor and court diversion programs, child welfare activities, harm reduction strategies, and support for rural communities across the portfolio. Her responsibilities include planning, implementing, administering and evaluating programs and projects that span the entire justice system.
DARRAN DUCHENE, PsyD -- Director of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Services for the Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association oversees a statewide network of providers offering MAT for court-involved, at-risk, and uninsured individuals with substance use disorders and has been involved with substance abuse treatment and recovery support services and programs for 35 years. Previously served as the Florida State Opioid Treatment Authority (SOTA) from 2008-2012 and has worked with MAT for more than 2 decades, co-authoring two journal articles on effectiveness of and successful retention of clients in methadone treatment.
TARA KUNKEL -- Tara Kunkel has served as the Executive Director of Rulo Strategies since 2020. Before founding Rulo Strategies, Tara served as a Senior Drug Policy Advisor at the U.S. Department of Justice, where she led the implementation of the Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program (COSSAP). Under Tara’s leadership, the COSSAP program grew from a $27 million grant program in 2017 to $187 million in 2019. Tara also served as a consultant for the National Center for States for more than nine years leading, managing, and evaluating projects at all points in the justice system, from diversion programs, pretrial supervision, courts, probation, and corrections. Tara is a former treatment court coordinator in Virginia and has completed statewide evaluations in Nebraska, Michigan, Virginia, and Arkansas. Tara received a master’s in social work from Virginia Commonwealth University and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Virginia.
AARON ARNOLD – Chief Development Officer at the National Association of Drug Court Professionals, where he works to develop new initiatives to support and strengthen drug courts across the country. Prior to joining NADCP, Aaron spent 15 years at the Center for Court Innovation, overseeing the Center’s national work in the areas of treatment courts, community justice, alternatives to incarceration, tribal justice, and more. Aaron has served as a prosecutor with the Maricopa County Attorney's Office in Phoenix, Arizona, where he gained first-hand experience working in several problem-solving courts. Aaron is graduate of Cornell University and the University of Arizona College of Law.
MORE: Hear from still other outstanding speakers, like Judge Lauren Brodie, officials for Florida Opioid Court (Rachel Lane & Ashley Brown, Circuit 12 Champions), lived experience and recovery support expert Emil Caron, and leadership panel Champions Judge Alicia Latimore, Judge Elizabeth Rice, and Alina Stoothoff.
Plus hear from state leaders such as Florida Courts Steering Committee on Problem-Solving Courts Chair Judge Steve Leifman, Florida Courts Steering Committee on Children & Families Chair Judge Hope Bristol; other Circuit Champion leaders as Resource Panelists - Judge Janeice Martin, Magistrate Rudy Morel, Bridget Washburn, and Russell Edwards; as well as OSCA Interim State Courts Administrator Eric Maclure.
Stay Tuned to for Updates!
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Hosted by Florida Office of the State Courts Administrator
with funding support from Florida’s State Opioid Response Project, Department of Children and Families
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA grant TI-085766)